FIRST 亞洲兒童藝術大賽 2017’ - 歌唱比賽 (1月份), 絃樂、管樂比賽 (3月份)
表演藝術 / 節目及活動First Education

* Monthly En-suite 月租式套房, 近港鐵站, 交通便利, 包水電費$300, 免費Wi-Fi, 免費房間清潔 150呎 $5,800 *
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

Professional Music Instructor 全職專業色士風導師/樂手,教授正統古典色士風(Saxophone)及單簧管(Clarinet); 婚禮及宴會樂手。
音樂 / 教學進修Saxotonic Music

Wolfman Jack Entertainment Wolfman Jack Entertainment Ltd., a company located in the U.S., has achieved and established its name and successful reputation, for promoting concerts and booking artists.
W旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Wolfman Jack Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd

現優惠價$380試妝費,試妝後可以優惠價選「婚月工作室推出新娘化妝及婚紗套餐」 -新娘化妝及髮型設計(早/全晚任轉造型) -1婚紗(可選拖尾) -1男仕禮服 -2晚裝 歡迎任何查詢,wtsapp93334011 地址:官塘

Soybean oil - crude, unrefined, extraction, fat, vegetable, natural, liquid. It is made from seeds (beans) of soy commodity, the first grade, DSTU: 4534:2006. Without GMO.

Supplies of peas large volume originated from Ukraine. Kind: yellow, shelled, chipped. Description: dried, hulled.Quality parameters: GOST 6201-68

有興趣預訂租用 請留言PM 或直接電郵/whatsapp. 林小姐洽約睇, 多謝! [email protected] phone/Wapp : 6400-1484
物業地產 / 住宅出租大豐林小姐

備有傢俱齊備即搬即住 中英樓多窗套房 whatsapp 64001484 LAM
物業地產 / 住宅出租大豐林小姐

備有傢俱齊備即搬即住 中英樓多窗套房 whatsapp 64001484 LAM
物業地產 / 服務式住宅大豐林小姐


九成新,個仔不喜歡學,割愛,在通利琴行買有單,保養到2017年6月尾。保養期拿去TomLee可免費無限次保養,tune音及執制等等 這支是EB Alto saxophone YAS62/2 第二代,採用最新技術,將 Low B – C#按鍵改良,音準相當穩定。可用來考八級,比賽等等, 原價$17500, 二手價$12000
m音樂 / 器材買賣memoryskh

show you a way to learn chinese easily! I am originally from Northern China and Mandarin is my mother language. Received Certificate of National Chinese Language Committee in 2005. I went to study
教學進修 / 補習Anna LI(李老师)

p音樂 / 教學進修perezkwong

World-class experienced international tutors from Oxbridge or Ivy League equivalent universities around the world. (IB/GCE/IGCSE)
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

I have three beautiful Blue British Shorthair Kittens For Adoption
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